Inbound Lead Qualification & Management
Fill your lead qualification gap with Strategic Sales & Marketing’s inbound lead qualification services. You’ve got inbound sales leads through various marketing channels, but many of these leads were never reached or qualified. Sound familiar? Are you giving up on good sales leads that don’t respond to your initial email or first follow-up call? Your lead nurturing process may have an easy-to-fix design flaw.
If you don’t have good inbound lead management in your lead nurturing workflow, you have a qualification gap, and many of your sales leads will end up with an “unknown” lead score. Adding SSM lead qualification services to your lead nurturing process will shrink your piles of “unknown” leads, and you can convert more leads into actionable opportunities. Our lead management services will generate new business for your company.
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Which of These Scenarios Best Describes Your Inbound Lead Management Challenge?
- After databasing, your inbound sales leads are sent directly to your sales reps without any advanced qualification. Your sales team is frustrated by the high number of unqualified leads. Some of your reps have stopped following up on these leads because they are deemed a waste of time.
- You are manually emailing or using an automated emailing program, such as HubSpot, to qualify sales leads by sending qualification questions and passing responses back to your sales reps for direct follow-up. Only a small percentage of your sales leads are responding to your emails, so you have a significant number of leads that just never respond.
- Your sales team is busy selling and servicing existing leads and customers. They don’t have the capacity for proper sales lead qualification. As a result, good leads are falling through the cracks. Many B2B companies get promising sales leads from trade shows, conferences and webinars, only to discover they don’t have enough time to adequately follow up.
How Our Inbound Lead Qualification Services Work: Bridging the Qualification Gap
A qualification gap creates all of those challenges. Without inbound lead qualification services, all of your leads aren’t being reached. For instance, automated lead qualification solutions typically deliver prospects actively shopping out a solution with short-range urgency. But this is only a relatively small percentage of total leads. What about the other leads that have not responded to your email nurturing process? How do you qualify all your leads and not just a tiny percentage of your total lead universe?
Our proven lead generation services and sales lead qualification process overcome these challenges by following four straightforward steps:
1. Identification of Leads in the Gap
For every qualified lead you receive via an automated process, there are six to seven other leads whose status remains unknown. Typically, one-third of the leads within this unknown group are also qualified. But the challenge is identifying them while keeping unqualified leads out of your sales funnel. Our expert sales reps qualify sales leads that were previously unknown. This includes prospects who need to be called directly because they do not respond to email or forms-based qualification. Their lack of response to your lead nurturing process is not an indication of a lack of interest.
2. Customized Qualification
Many of your prospects need your solution but know little about your company. They require relationship building and live one-on-one sales interaction before agreeing to review your product or service offering. Without our inbound lead management, very few of these leads will develop into good sales opportunities. There is nothing like a phone conversation to engage the prospect. Our experienced sales reps can often detect subtle nuances in the customer conversation. They can also uncover additional pain points that might go unmentioned in an email. We deliver qualified leads based on your requirements.
3. Trained Sales Lead Qualification
Most B2B sales organizations face another challenge with lead qualification. Even if they attempt some level of live lead qualification, they tend to assign the task to someone inexperienced or poorly trained. For example, many organizations route their inbound sales inquiry phone calls to an administrative assistant. Imagine if your first contact with new sales leads is someone who doesn’t have a sales background to properly assess leads, ask questions, build relationships and make the right decisions. You’ll miss a lot of good sales opportunities — and you’ll send too many unqualified leads to your sales team. Our trained sales reps avoid these pitfalls and deliver the qualified sales leads you need.
4. Timely Lead Follow-up
While you’re sending automated emails to advance leads into your sales funnel, your prospects may already be engaging with your competition. Why? Because prospects who are eager enough to fill out an online form probably want to speak to someone right away. Also, you’re likely not the only vendor they have contacted. If your competition is already talking with your prospect, you may need more than just a qualification email to capture the prospect’s attention. We provide a timely, customized sales lead qualification process that keeps you from losing good sales prospects to competitors. Our team engages your prospects when their focus, interest and availability are at their highest.
Take Full Advantage of Our Inbound Lead Qualification Services
SSM’s inbound lead qualification services have helped thousands of B2B sales organizations bridge the qualification gap. Our expert sales reps qualify sales leads and connect your team with prospects ready to move through the sales funnel. We deliver game-changing marketing agency lead generation.
Our Inbound Lead Management Solution
When you choose SSM for your inbound lead management, you get a sales lead qualification team that serves as an extension of your sales and marketing department. Our trained sales reps act as your company’s touch point for existing sales leads that fall into the qualification gap. As a result, your in-house salespeople only work with sales leads who have been adequately vetted and qualified up-front.
We provide an added level of support for your sales lead qualification efforts by:
- Talking live to decision-makers using key qualifying questions to get more information about your prospects
- Building relationships with prospects to determine which sales leads are truly good quality leads and are ready to be passed along to your salespeople
- Acting as a pre-screening filter to keep the wrong sales leads off your to-do list — saving time and improving your team’s efficiency
- Integrating with your CRM system for a seamless exchange of customer data
Instead of chasing unqualified leads, we ensure that your in-house sales reps are getting the best leads and that your sales team is aligned with the right opportunities.
Enhance the Power of Your Sales Team With Our Inbound Lead Qualification Services
As an extension of your organization, we’ll pick up the phone, we’ll respond to your PPC forms, we’ll manage your website lead generation, we’ll handle any direct mail responses — we serve as the front end of your sales process. Instead of dealing with a receptionist or sales assistant, your prospects speak to our trained sales reps. Our inbound lead qualification services allow you to extend the reach of your sales team.
We can handle the complexity of multiple marketing campaigns. For example, if you have several toll-free numbers for prospective customers to call, we can track and measure the success of different sources. We show you how many sales leads come in from each channel or campaign and how many are actually qualified. We give you insights that lead to a better marketing strategy.
Our sales lead qualification and lead nurturing services include:
- Sorting and routing inbound email inquiries: With our team’s attention to detail, no sales leads will fall through the cracks. As part of our inbound lead management services, we will train our people on your company’s internal systems and structure. The right people within your organization will get contacted at the right time about each sales lead or customer question.
- Qualifying inbound sales leads: The first phone call from a new prospective customer is not just a simple moment to jot down contact details. It’s a chance to start the sales process by asking questions and listening to the customer’s needs. Our people are trained in sales-specific skills to do this subtly and effectively, thanks to our carefully honed sales lead qualification process. From the first call, we’ll gather valuable insights on which prospects are most in need of your solution and which ones are most likely to buy.
- Assisting with customer research: As part of our role in sales support and sales lead qualification, we can help fill in the blanks on who the contact people and key decision-makers are at the prospect’s company, providing job titles, background notes and more.
- Appointment setting with the right sales reps: We’ll work closely with your in-house sales team to ensure each qualified sales lead goes to the right people for follow-up — along with the detailed notes from the early conversations with the customer. Your salespeople will get much greater visibility into each prospective client conversation as they start working toward a sale. Our appointment setting services are second to none.
- Managing outbound sales inquiries: Our sales reps and appointment setters have the sales-specific professionalism to treat every call as the first step toward a potential sales relationship.
Our team asks good lead-qualifying questions to sort out the highest-priority leads. We ensure your salespeople are working on the right opportunities and not wasting time on bad sales leads.
Secure the Lead Qualification Services You Need
Our lead qualification services can make a difference in your sales process. Contact us today to learn what SSM can do for you.
FAQs About Inbound Lead Qualification Services
Thousands of companies have relied on our inbound lead qualification services. Read the following questions to learn more.
What Is Lead Qualification?
Sales lead qualification is the process of ensuring that a prospect is a good fit for your company and ready to learn more about your products and services.
Why Is Lead Qualification Important?
Lead qualification is crucial because it saves your sales team time, improves their efficiency and ensures they’re working with the best possible prospects.
What Comes After Lead Qualification?
Once we qualify sales leads, we hand them off to your sales team for their follow-up.
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