We’re always happy to answer questions about our lead generation, appointment setting and B2B sales and marketing services. Do you have any other questions not listed here? Contact Strategic Sales and Marketing and ask us!
Q. Can I target the lead generation efforts to one specific geographic area?
A. Yes. SSM can target your market by ZIP code, city, county, or state.
Q. Where is your call center located?
A. Our lead generation call center is based in the U.S. This gives your company the advantage of being represented by native English speakers – no offshore callers –to ensure clear, culturally fluent communication and make the most of your business leads.
Q. How long will it take to get a program started?
A. Approximately one week. We need time to talk with you and identify your specific needs and goals. We need to fully understand your objectives prior to launching the program – that way, you get the attention you need for each area of your sales operations, leading to the best possible results.
Q. Do you provide contact lists?
A. Yes. We are list brokers and have both Dun & Bradstreet and American Business Information databases available onsite for client list development.
Q. Can I use my own contact list?
A. Yes. However, we recommend that any list you use should be one year old (or newer) as contact lists tend to become outdated quickly. There is no better way to lose a lead than calling for Bob Smith, the CFO, who happened to leave the company six months ago.
Q. Do you have any start-up fees?
A. No. There are no start-up fees; Contact lists, call script development, and training to our staff on your program, are all included at no cost.
Q. How long will it take to complete my lead generation program?
A. It depends on your specific needs. SSM can custom design the duration of a lead generation and appointment setting program based on your goals and your in-house staff’s capacity to follow up on sales leads. We have some clients that need our services seasonally, while for others, we are a permanent fixture of their sales strategy.
Q. Can I regulate the flow of business leads on a weekly basis?
A. Yes. All business leads can be generated in specific amounts on a weekly basis. There are some minimum program requirements, and we can talk with you to identify the specific parameters of your program depending on your needs and goals.