How Leads Are Qualified
It is very rightly said that a business without qualified leads is just like a car without fuel; regardless of what kind of engine it has, it’s not going to move ahead. Especially, inbound marketing is proved to be an effective method of lead generation, where a lot of time is spent creating and promoting resources for consumers. Below 30% of inbound leads are sales-ready. The majority of the inbound leads you receive must be further educated by sending newsletters or emails instead of using sales mechanisms of making cold calls.
47% of potential customers read at least three to five pieces of content published by a business before starting a conversation with their sales rep – Hubspot
But do you have a tried and tested inbound lead qualification process?
This is the pain point of every modern organization.
The bitter truth about inbound lead generation
In inbound marketing, when you get a lead, you have no idea about who they are. All you know is that they were interested in acquiring the free report.
Things you would like to know are:
There may be other more particular qualifying criteria such as “Whether they have a particular software program installed” or “whether they are responsible for purchasing a particular product category”.
Some of the best approaches to close leads in our inbound lead qualification include:
In addition to inbound lead qualification by proactively contacting people that suit your right prospect profile, you can over and over again benefit from using their extra cycle time to enhance the quality of your prospecting database.
The final say
No doubt, that an effective inbound lead generation campaign is one that converts leads into sales, visitors into customers, without a lengthened sales cycle – that’s where inbound lead qualification also comes into play.